Do the burns leave scars?
Yes—but the kambo scars fade over time. Aftercare balms such as Dragons blood may help to improve their appearance. If the visibility of the scars is of concern to you then the daily application of Calendula or Aloe can reduce/remove the traces of scarring. Most peoples scars fade after 6-12 months and cannot really be seen , although everyones skin is quite different.
Is Kambo psychoactive?
No, not at all. You will not “trip” or experience any altered visions.
Is Kambo legal?
Kambo is legal in every country in the world.
Is Kambo safe?
Yes, Despite the extreme physical reaction, Kambo is actually a very safe procedure if done properly under the supervision by a qualified practitioner.
Is Kambo right for my condition?
Refer to this section for more information. Please consult your doctor if you have underlying health issues or potential contraindications.
*The content on this website is provided for informational purposes only and is in no way medical advice. Use of Kambo is not intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Kambo should always be administered by a trained practitioner. Improper application or misunderstanding of contraindications for Kambo may pose unnecessary health risks.